Thursday, April 28, 2011

Spring 2011 Photo Shoot!

We finally got outside and got some pictures taken on Easter Sunday! It was a beautiful day, and of course I had beautiful subjects to photograph, so I was happy with the end result. Although everytime I see Lindsay, my heart aches a bit and I realize I am really going to miss her when she goes to BYU. She has grown up so much. They all have, but she is really ready to "leave the nest". Ouch. My heart strings just pulled a little more. Well, here are some of the pictures.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Test run from the iPod!

Just checking to see if I can blog from my iPod! I know it's been forever since I've been on here... Lots of catching up to do. Here's a quick pic I took of Annie yesterday..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's Official...Provisionally!!

Yesterday I received my letter from BYU that said I was "provisionally accepted" into the Bachelors of General Studies program! Yeah, me!   To be formally accepted, I have to complete a Student Development course, which is basically a class to help prepare me for the drastic changes I am going to have to make to balance school work and my "normal life".  I had just finished a class like this in the LPN program, so I don't expect it to be too difficult.  It will cover things like study habits, time management and stuff like that.  Anyway, just wanted to document that I am on my way to finishing my bachelors!  I'm actually a lot closer than I had thought.  Psychology will be challenging, but I feel that right now it is the right path for me.  It has been an up and down journey to get to this place, but isn't that what life is all about?  I'm excited to get started on this next phase of my life.  I don't suppose I thought I'd be a BYU student again at 44, but learning should be a life-long endeavor and what better place to do it than at the "Y"?  Hey, I'm gonna need a couple of BYU t-shirts now, huh?  Guess I'd better get to the bookstore! 

Monday, February 21, 2011

I have a question....

I love Mustangs.  I want a Mustang.  Everytime I see a Mustang on the highway I say, "Ooo, I love that car!"  Except when I see an orange one....  On Saturday, we were driving home from the mall and as I looked in my rear view mirror, what do I see but an orange mustang speeding up behind me, getting ready to pass and instead of saying to myself, "Ooo, a  Mustang!" , This thought pops into my mind instead, "If you are going to buy a Mustang, why would you buy one the color of a Cheeto?  I mean, I'm just sayin'."  As it passes, I verbalize my thought and my daughters laugh and say that that would be a funny Facebook status.  I decided to write about it in here.  I hope I didn't offend anyone.  I mean, I love Cheetos...I love Mustangs, I just don't think they were meant to marry.....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hey! Why is it so quiet around here?

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       All I can hear right now is the washing machine.  No Netflix in the background, no "Mom, can you get me some....", no sounds of stuffy noses, just the washing machine.  It's a little eerie.....and lonely.  After 11 days of sick kids at home, I'm home alone.  I hate it.  Not that I want my kids to be sick, mind you, but I have never adjusted to being home alone during the day.  I stay busy with various things, but I have to say, I really like having my kids around.   Is that wrong?  Does that make me crazy? Maybe a little.  I know a lot of women love the free time to get things done.  I do like having time to quilt and read, don't get me wrong.  I know younger moms look forward to the day when there won't be little ones with unending demands.  I was one of those younger moms.  Now that I have that freedom, I have found it can be hard to fill productively.  I chose to be a stay at home mom.  But now that my kids are older, they only need me to "stay at home" when they are sick.  Which isn't very often.  Anyway, enough whining!  That's why I'm going to finish my bachelors and go after a career! There's still a lot of me left and I have a lot to offer.  My role as a mother is changing and like it or not, I am going to have to change, too.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Annie has been sick for the past week and it has made me remember the days when she was little and we were joined at the hip.  When she was this size, she would hardly let me out of her sight and I cherish those memories.  We were like a mama koala bear and her baby.  She also reminded me of Curious George and how he fit just right in the Man with the Yellow Hat's arms.  Those were good days.  I miss them.  When she was in preschool, we would watch Curious George on PBS together before she left.  That became a special ritual for us, and yesterday she asked if we could snuggle on the couch and watch the Curious George movie together.  It warmed my heart to spend that time with my little, sick Annie.  We had a good time watching the movie together, remembering the funny parts. It breaks my heart when my kids are sick, but when they are, they need me in a way that is different than in the usual way.  Of course Iwant her to get better so I can get back to my routines, but in the meantime, I'll put aside my chores so I can snuggle and
watch movies with her and just be there for her, to give her comfort and love.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


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Our oldest daughter, Lindsay, has been in the show choir since she was a freshman.  When she tried out for it, I hardly knew what she was doing.  The girls had always played soccer and run track.  Not a dance or singing lesson or class EVER.  So when she told me she had made the show choir, we really didn't know what we had gotten ourselves into.  What we had gotten ourselves into was a whole new way of life and something really wonderful.  The first time we saw her perform, we were completely blown away.  We had no idea where this child had come from.  She absolutely blossomed up there on stage.  It was like magic.  We became part of a big family and a booster group like no other. All of a sudden we were traveling to places like Piqua, Ohio and driving hours and hours and watching up to 12 show choirs a weekend and were just as crazy a group of fans as any football crowd.  That first year, Red Hot (the name of the show choir) were Grand Champion at their first competition.  They didn't win that honor again until the State Competition, when they were named State Champions.  It was amazing.  However, over the next two years, they didn't win one competition.  It was very frustrating for everyone.  They had gone through a director and choreographer change and morale suffered greatly.  During Lindsay's junior year, Natalie and Emily decided to try out and that really surprised me!  My shy little twins, who barely spoke in public until they were 9 were going to perform in the show choir?  Well, they showed me and made it, and they too have absolutely come out of their shells and have become amazing performers. They literally have transformed.
Well, this year things have changed.  The director Lindsay had her freshman year has come on board as an assistant and her son, who was in the choir as a senior when Lindsay was a freshman is the choreographer, and the show choir is phenomenal this year.  They have progressively gotten stronger each competition, finishing as 2nd runner-up, 1st runner-up and finally this past weekend as Grand Champion.  It was awesome to see all their hard work finally pay off.  I'm especially excited for Lindsay who has come full circle.  I know they now have their eye on the State Championship, but they still have 2 competitions before States.  This win just meant so much to everyone.  I had to write at length about it.  Thanks for "listening".

Valentine Flowers!

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  We had a really nice Valentine's Day around here, with lots of valentines, candy and as you can see, beautful flowers.  I love Valentine's Day!  I love flowers.  I love the colors.  I love chocolate.  I love good food.  I love expressing my love to all the valentines in my life.  I'm so grateful to have so many people in my life that I love and who love me.  I'm especially thankful for the most important valentine I have and that is my sweet husband, Mr. Schwendiman, who brought me roses and expressed his feeling in a beautiful card.  We both feel blessed to have each other to go through this sometimes bumpy life together, and not a day goes by that I don't thank my Heavenly Father for giving me such a good man. I know it takes work to make a marriage succeed and I hope I am always willing to make the effort it takes to have an eternal marriage.  Hope you all had a Happy Valentines Day with your honey!